Hopes and Fears

Les objets figurant sur la pochette de Hopes and Fears sont des marteaux de piano, en référence au son de piano caractéristique du groupe. Les nombreuses versions différentes de l’album se distinguent par la couleur de leur pochette. La version britannique originale a une pochette vert foncé, la version européenne une pochette noire, la version américaine une pochette blanche ; la version internationale a une pochette rouge-brun, et la version japonaise est bleue.
La police de caractères choisie pour cet album est la police « Cochin », conçue à l’origine en 1912.
Date de sortie internationale : 10 mai 2004 (14 septembre 2004 en France)
Date de sortie USA/Canada : 25 mai 2004
Notes : L’album s’est classé n°1 des ventes au Royaume-Uni dès la première semaine.
En décembre 2004, l’album s’était écoulé à plus de 2 millions d’exemplaires. « Hopes and Fears » est devenu disque d’or (100000 exemplaires vendus) au cours des 3 premiers mois de sa mise en vente (source).
Meilleur classement dans le Top Album (France) : 5ème, du 16/04/2005 au 23/04/2005.
De nombreuses versions de cet album ont été éditées au cours des années.

Tracklist :
- Somewhere only we know
- Bend And Break
- We might as well be strangers
- Everybody’s changing
- Your eyes open
- She has no time
- Can’t stop now
- Sunshine
- This is the last time
- On a day like today
- Untitled I
- Bedshaped
Date de sortie : 10 mai 2004
Notes : La version britannique est une édition spéciale car y figure « On a day like today ». Apparemment l’album s’écoula à 155343 exemplaires dés la première semaine de sa sortie. Hopes and Fears est la deuxième meilleure vente d’album du Royaume-Uni pour l’année 2004 avec 1 593 677 copies de vendues (l’album des Scissors Sisters est en première position avec seulement 582 copies de plus!). L’album a été n°1 lors de sa sortie ainsi que la deuxième, quatrième et sixième semaine.

Cette édition spéciale est un double CD qui regroupe l’édition internationale de « Hopes and Fears » (ci-dessus) et le « live EP ».
La pochette est identique à la version internationale.
Tracklist CD 2:
- Somewhere only we know – Forum, London, 10/5/04
- We might as well be strangers – Columbiafritz, Berlin, 19/5/04
- Allemande – BNN That’s Live Session, Amsterdam, 7/7/04
- This is the last time (Acoustic) – Mill St. Brewery, Toronto, 20/9/04
- Everybody’s changing – Airwaves Festival, Reykjavik, 23/10/04
- Bedshaped – Brixton Academy, London, 17/11/04
Date de sortie : 23 mai 2005
Le coffret contient également un CD bonus : des enregistrements live d’un showcase acoustique donné le 10 mars 2005 à Lisbonne lors d’un passage sur la radio portugaise RFM :
- Everybody’s changing (live)
- This is the last time (live)
- Somewhere only we know (live)
- Bedshaped (live)
Date de sortie : 25 juillet 2005
Le coffret contient également un CD bonus. Les titres live ont été enregistrés le 9 août 2004 lors d’un showcase acoustique à Hamburg au N-Joy Radio Live Lounge.
- Can’t stop now (live)
- Everybody’s changing (live)
- This is the last time (live)
- We might as well be strangers (live)
- Something in me was dying
Date de sortie : 8 novembre 2004

Tracklist : Inchangée
Date de sortie : 25 mai 2004
Notes : Au 30 janvier 2005, l’album s’était vendu à 500 000 exemplaires aux États-Unis.
Tracklist : Inchangée
Le coffret contient également un DVD contenant les paroles, une galerie de photos et les clips suivant :
- Somewhere only we know (US version)
- This is the last time (Independent UK Promo Video)
- Bedshaped
- Somewhere only we know (International version)
Date de sortie : 25 mai 2004

Tracklist : Identique à celle de la version UK +
13. Snowed Under
14. Allemande
Date de sortie : 28 juin 2004
Notes : Comporte 3 titres en plus de l’édition internationale : « On a day like today », « Snowed under » et « Allemande ».

Tracklist : Inchangée
Le coffret contient également un DVD contenant les vidéos suivantes :
- Keane TV Spot
- Everybody’s changing
- Somewhere only we know (live)
- She has no time (live)
- This is the last time (live)
- We might as well be strangers (live)
- Everybody’s changing (live)
- Bedshaped (live)
- Somewhere only we know
Ainsi qu’un livret en Coréen et un petit poster.
Date de sortie : 2004

Tracklist : Identique à la version internationale +
12. Snowed under (bonus track)
13. We might as well be strangers – DJ Shadow remix (bonus track)
Le coffret contient également un DVD contenant les clips suivant :
- Somewhere only we know (International version)
- Somewhere only we know (US version)
- Everybody’s changing
- Bedshaped
- This is the last time
Date de sortie : 2004

Tracklist : Inchangée
Date de sortie : 10 mai 2024 (CD remasterisé) et 30 août 2024 (CD live)
Notes : Cette version, remasterisée à l’occasion des vingt ans de l’album, contient également un CD live enregistré à Mexico.

Tracklist CD 1 :
Tracklist CD 2 :

Tracklist :
- Somewhere only we know
- Snowed under
- Walnut tree
- Somewhere only we know (vidéo)
Date de sortie : 16 février 2004
Notes : Le single s’est hissé à la 3ème place du classement britannique, et se serait vendu à 21033 exemplaires dans sa semaine de sortie.
Couverture du CD promo et CD 2 titres :

Tracklist :
- Everybody’s changing
- To the end of the earth
- Fly to me
- Everybody’s changing (vidéo)
Date de sortie : 3 mai 2004
Notes : À ne pas confondre avec la version Fierce Panda qui est un enregistrement mais surtout une valeur différente! Le single a atteint la 4ème place du classement au Royaume-Uni se serait vendu à 21653 exemplaires dans sa semaine de sortie.
Pochette du CD promo :
CD 2 titres (France) :
Tracklist :
- Everybody’s changing
- Somewhere only we know (live)
Date de sortie : 21 mars 2005
Notes : Meilleur classement dans le Top Single : 10ème, du 26/03/2005 au 02/04/2005

Tracklist :- Bedshaped
- Something in me was dying
- Untitled II
- Bedshaped (vidéo)
Couverture du CD promo :
Il existe 2 sets de singles pour Bedshaped, composés de 3 parties, et édités aux Pays-Bas (3 CDs) et en Allemagne (2 CDs + 1 DVD de clips), avec des couvertures de couleur différentes (CD 1 : orange, CD 2 : bleu, et CD 3 : vert).
CD1 : | CD2 : | CD3 : |
CD1 | CD2 | DVD |

Tracklist :
- This is the last time
- She opens her eyes
- This is the last time (démo)
- This is the last time (vidéo)
Date de sortie : 22 novembre 2004
Notes : Plus haute position dans le classement britannique : n°18 lors de sa sortie.
Il existe une version DVD du single qui comprend « Somewhere only you know secret gig », « We might as well be strangers » Live au Villiers theatre Londres, « This is the last time » au Irving Plaza New York et une galerie photo.
Pochette du CD promo :
CD 2 titres (France) :
Tracklist :
- This is the last time
- Everybody’s changing (live Airwaves Festival, Reykjavik, 23/10/04)
Date de sortie : 03 octobre 2005
Notes : Meilleur classement dans le Top Single : 56ème (du 15/10/2005 au 22/10/2005).

Tracklist :
- Bend and break
- On a day like today
- Allemande (live)
- Bend and break (vidéo)
Date de sortie : 25 juillet 2005
Notes : Le single n’est sorti qu’en Allemagne. Le titre live a été enregistré à Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) le 07/07/2004 au cours de l’émission BNN « That’s live ».
Pochette du CD promo (17 mai 2005) :

- Somewhere only we know
- This is the last time
- Everybody’s changing
- Bedshaped
- The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine (Anymore), reprise de Franki Valli + Your Eyes Open (Mo Mental Mix, by Nathan Thomas)
Notes : Les Britanniques inscrits à la mailing list de Keane au tout début, on eut la possibilité de commander une boîte pour ranger les éditions vinyles des singles. Un single inédit, la reprise de « The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore », leur a été offert pour compléter la boîte avec des « goodies » tel qu’un livret de photos ou des lettres écrites par les membres de Keane pour remercier les fans. Le nombre de boîte était limité à 1000 et chaque boîte est numérotée.
Composition de la boîte complète :
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PRE-Hopes and Fears (2003)

Tracklist :

Tracklist :
Date de sortie : 1er juin 2001. Single sorti sous le label Zoomorphic.
Notes : Seules 50 copies de ce single furent produites. Il semblerait que « Wolf At The Door » fut produit comme promo et fut très limité puique chaque single était fait maison gravé sur CDR.
La version de Call Me What You Like est différente de celle du single Call Me What You Like single (qui est plus lente); et She Has No Time est une version différente de celle trouvée sur l’album « Hopes and Fears ».
Ce single a atteint des sommes record aux enchères avec des ventes à £738 (soit 1065€), £750 (soit 1081€), £729 (soit 1051€) et £1001 (soit 1460€).

Tracklist :
Date de sortie : 12 mai 2003. Single sorti sous le label Fierce Panda.
Notes : Seules 1500 copies de ce single furent éditées (1000 à l’origine, puis 500 supplémentaires avec le même numéro de catalogue). Apparemment, le single a vendu 733 copies dans sa première semaine de sortie pour entrer dans les classements à la position 122. (Non confirmé) Ceci est la sortie originale, et est une version différente de celle que vous pouvez trouver sur le deuxième single « Everybody’s changing » et celle de l’album « Hopes and Fears ».

Tracklist :
Date de sortie : 13 octobre 2003. Single sorti sous le label Fierce Panda.
Notes : Ce titre est disponible sur la compilation « Decade: Ten Years of Fierce Panda » que vous trouverez sur leur site. Environ 4000 copies de ce single furent produites.
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes I walked across an empty land I came across a fallen tree Oh simple thing where have you gone And if you have a minute why don’t we go Oh simple thing where have you gone And if you have a minute why don’t we go This could be the end of everything | A PROPOS « It’s about being able to draw strength from a place or experience you’ve shared with someone. I think it’s an idea a lot of people can relate to. » (Tim,The Mirror) « I was thinking of something like David Bowie’s ‘Heroes ‘, which you drive along to a really rocking beat. I really like the bridge and it’s great fun to play live. It was one of the first things we recorded for the album. » (Tim, Billboard.com) « We’ve been asked whether ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ is about a specific place, and Tim has been saying that, for him, or us as individuals, it might be about a geographical space, or a feeling; it can mean something individual to each person, and they can interpret it to a memory of theirs… It’s perhaps more of a |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes When you, when you forget your name Lovesick bitter and hardened heart If only I don’t bend and break If only I don’t bend and break I’ll meet you on the other side | A PROPOS [Regarding « the other side » and « white light » references] « in bend and break that phrase is more about getting through a really dark state of mind and emerging into brighter, happier times. the old saying ‘the darkest hour is just before the dawn’ is very true and potent i think. people often say that with proper depression, things can seem unbearably awful as your thoughts run around each other in the dark of the night but when the sun rises you can get more perspective and see things in a more hopeful way. see patrick humphries’ book on nick drake for his thoughts on how this phenomenon affected that great songwriter. anyway for me i’ve always loved the mornings…the day is new and full of possibilities. the song reminds me of when i was young and in the mornings i’d phone tom or richard or other friends and we’d make plans to meet up in town or play football or whatever. i still feel the same way…for example i alway write songs best early in the morning. « – Tim – messageboard – Source
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes I don’t know your face no more I don’t know your thoughts these days We might as well be strangers in another town | A PROPOS « This song is kinda about being forced to be away from someone you really love. » – Tom – London Basement gig – 26th February 2004 « This is a song about not being in love with somebody anymore. » – Tom – London Hammersmith gig – 28th March 2004
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes You say you wander your own land So little time You’re gone from here So little time So little time | A PROPOS « It’s kinda about being stuck in one place and watching everyone else around you moving along, and feeling a bit depressed with it all…. (in a good way of course!) » (Tom – London ULU gig – 09/03/04) « Everybody’s Changing is a song about something I think a lot of people will experience, which is when people’s lives start going different ways and you’re sitting there, thinking my friends are doing this, what I am I doing? What do I do with my life? I think things like that are quite common to people and are probably more important than a lot of things that people write songs about. I mean, we haven’t written any songs about politics. I think things like your friends, communication and love affect peoples lives more on a daily basis than who’s in charge of the budget! » (gig101 interview – Source) « the song is about trying to work out where you are in the world, while some of the people around you are going off and doing different things. tim wrote it while we were really struggling to get anywhere as a band, and we were watching all our friends move away and get on with their lives, while we were stuck in battle getting nowhere, and wondering if we were doing the right thing. « (Richard, messageboard) « Everybody’s Changing is definitely world-weary. I wrote that at a time when we were quite low. We’d given up our London dream and had to slink back to Battle. We were feeling really isolated as a band. All our friends were making their way in the world and we were back at square one. Also, everyone I knew was jettisoning who they had been and was trying to be cool. I didn’t know whether to go with that or not. I decided to stay my geeky self. » – (Tim, Times interview) « I guess the fact is that if you write about what you really feel, the chances are that a lot of people will probably feel the same way. So the things I’ve written about on the first record obviously are very personal either to me or to us as friends and a band, but by extension a lot of the songs are dealing with a things that are very recognisable to a lot of people – maybe in different contexts… Everybody’s Changing is kinda written from the point of view of someone in a band, which is what we were, just frustrated with everyone who seemed to alter who they were. It’s kind of an angry song, but again it’s sympathetic – I can understand why people feel they have to change. I just felt when we were in our early 20s/mid 20s, suddenly I felt there was more peer pressure, and everyone was desperately trying to be cool, and desperately trying to leave behind who they had been before and try and reinvent themselves as socialites – London types. And it’s just trying to dupe people, who know you weren’t like that is just stupid; I find it insulting really, because it’s so transparent and yet people try and hoodwink you in that way. But I think everyone is guilty of it, I’m probably guilty of it, so it is a sympathetic song. » (Tim, Strangers DVD) « I wrote Everybody’s Changing some time in early 2002. I remember sitting at the piano at my Mum and Dad’s house one evening and playing the piano riff, then writing a song to fit around the riff. « Everybody’s Changing is definitely world-weary. I wrote that at a time when we were quite low. We’d given up our London dream and had to slink back to Battle. We were feeling really isolated as a band. All our friends were making their way in the world and we were back at square one. Also, everyone I knew was jettisoning who they had been and was trying to be cool. I didn’t know whether to go with that or not. I decided to stay my geeky self. » (Richard, The London Times)
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Well it’s a lonely road that you have chosen That it’s a lonely place that you have run to For a moment your eyes open and you know For a moment your eyes open and you know | A PROPOS « It’s a slightly unusual song for Keane… It was basically saying |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes You think your days are uneventful She says she has no time Think about the lonely people She says she has no time Lonely people tumble downwards She says she has no time | A PROPOS « I always find this quite a hard thing to tell people about, cos I don’t know how an audience is going to react…but this song is basically about being in love with someone and they’re not in love with you, and this was something that happened to me a few years ago *crowd awws* But anyway, picture it in your minds. Anyway, this fellow here [Tim] wrote this song, as a way of sort of comforting me at the time *crowd awws and cheers* Anyway, it really is a song that means so much to me, because it was basically Tim putting his arm around my shoulder and saying ‘Don’t worry, this happens to everyone at some stage’. » (Tom, Leeds Met gig – 24th April 2004) « Tim wrote this song, about a girl who broke my heart after giving me one of the best weekends of my life and then never phoning me again. » (Tom – Strangers DVD)
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes I noticed tonight that the world has been turning I noticed tonight that the world has been turning That I can’t stop now No one back home And I can’t slow down The motion keeps my heart running | A PROPOS « Can’t Stop Now is about the feeling that you’ve been standing still |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes I hold you in my hands I hold you in cupped hands But if I’m one thing Oh oh-oh-oh-oh Oooooh | A PROPOS [This song is about] « looking after stuff you love » (Tom, Cologne gig – 17th October 2004) « It was the only song on album written on the guitar. It was written in France, it’s probably got a bit of the French atmosphere in it. … We wrote it out in the garden in France, and then rushed in and recorded it. » (Tim, Undercover interview 2004) |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes
This is the last time The last time This is the last time Something I wasn’t sure of The last time | A PROPOS TITLT is indeed a confusing song, which is actually something i regret, but the meaning is hard to explain quickly and simply. here’s my attempt.it’s mainly about regret. i was thinking about how you can have a huge amount of affection for someone and yet not have that magic spark that makes you feel like you’re in love. whenever i hear the song i feel it’s a snapshot of the moment of two people saying their goodbyes…i can actually see them stood facing each other. what a rotten moment that is eh. anyway so you have a bond with someone but you don’t want to stay with them forever. so you decide to go. but you’re not saying ‘i hate you and i’m leaving’…you’re trying to say ‘i think you’re great but i’ve seen that there’s something more perfect and magical out there for me and i need to find it. but i will always be your friend if you need me.’ does that make sense? so the bridge (‘something i wasn’t sure of…etc’) is about the sense that there’s something more magical to be found. making that decision to leave something comfortable to search for something perfect is difficult, so the alternating lines of the chorus are almost a debate going on in your head…you’re saying ‘this is the last time we’ll share these intimate moments, time will make things better, and of course you can turn to me whenever you want to, i don’t mind.’ if you split the chorus into two parts using alternate lines it makes sense! i guess the feeling of conflict within yourself and the difficulty of making that decision is what the song is really about. it’s not sarcastic or anything but it is certainly confusing. sorry!i like trying to write about confusion and grey areas because life is not normally very clear-cut and simple, especially when it comes to the way people interact. hence the album’s title. how many songs are there at the moment about how you’re not good enough for me so **** you? the eamonn/frankee nonsense being an obvious example but look at any number of recent hits. how often is life really that simple? i guess that’s why ‘dry your eyes’ was such a popular song…it talks about the confusion and mess of breaking up, and that’s a reality that people recognise. » (Tim, messageboard) « This Is The Last Time is a weird one. I feel that it’s a very well-intentioned song, and the idea behind it is good, but I don’t feel like I really said what I wanted to say in a very clear way, basically. The song is about being in a very comfortable relationship where you feel a lot of affection towards someone. It’s about feeling that’s all great and you don’t want to hurt this person, but at the same time you feel like you wanna get out there and find something that’s more kinda magical, and a real passionate love; it’s not just about being cosy and comfortable, it’s about finding something that really sort of makes you feel alive and lights up your life every day. So it’s about the dilemma of having to leave that person behind, and go off in search of something that’s more kinda unknown, and just a romantic idea. But at the same time it’s having to try and say that to the person you’re leaving behind, and how to explain that – obviously it’s a difficult thing to do. My kinda view of things isa little bit … I tend to always be looking for the more difficult and confusing things. Whenever I start off writing a song that’s kinda quite happy and positive, I always end up starting to undermine it and writing lyrics that undermine that, and by the time I’ve got to the end of the song it’s much more full of doubt. » (Tim, Strangers DVD) |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes
On a day like today But I could never seem to say the words I needed to I saw you were sick But I can never find the words to say and I don’t know why | A PROPOS « This song is about not being able to say the right thing, and the more you say, the more you fuck it up » (Tom, UK tour, October/November 2004) « This is a song about two people, who are completely in love with each other, but for whatever reason just manage to completely fuck it up » (Tom, Bristol gig, 19th January 2005) |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes A house on fire The wind wouldn’t blow me home Who ate your heart? The wind wouldn’t blow me home | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Many’s the time I ran with you down You’ll follow me back I know you think I’m holding you down Don’t laugh at me You’ll follow me back And up we’ll go | A PROPOS « Bedshaped is about feeling that you’ve been ‘left behind’ by an old friend or lover. and about hoping that you’ll be reunited one day so that you can live out the end of your lives together the way you started them. i guess there’s some anger at a friend who wants to move on in search of new, exciting, more sophisticated things, leaving behind the simple things you used to share….and a hope that they’ll eventually want to get away from the bright lights and come back home. it’s a sad and angry song, but also full of hope. i hope that makes sense. I think i’m right in saying that in hospital when someone is ill or infirm and has to spend a lot of time in bed they can become ‘bedshaped’. it sounds a bit depressing…well i guess it is a bit depressing in reality, but in the context of the song i wanted to suggest old age and frailty, along the lines that i mentioned before about two old friends coming back together in the twilight of their lives. it’s great that you guys like bedshaped…it’s a song that means a lot to us. » (Tim, messageboard) « I remember the words for Bedshaped; lying in bed one night and they just suddenly all emerged and I wrote them all down, and then it was finished which was really good – I like it when that happens! The word ‘bedshaped’ – I don’t know if it’s a made up word, but my mum’s always talking about people being bedshaped, just from spending too much time being bed-ridden basically. It’s quite a sad image of someone stuck there, stuck in a bed, until they become completely useless and start to lose their humanity. But just that idea of crumbling and being really frail and decrepid is something that eventually happens to everyone. That, I guess was the basis for the song in a way. So whatever happens when you’re younger, even if you go off in search of glamour and ambitious and exciting things; once you get to your really old age, you’ve got all that side of life that just disappears. (Tim, Strangers DVD)
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes There’s a cold voice on the air I don’t know why I waste my time Now you think that you’re alone I don’t know why I waste my time I don’t know why I waste my time | A PROPOS « This song’s about everything getting on top of you » (Tom, Birmingham gig – 3rd March 2004) « It’s just a nice way of summing up what you think about in your life. Eventually everything you do is made up of hopes and fears. And that balance between hopes and fears and the fusion between the two we really liked. » (Tim, Billboard.com) The line « Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over. » (line 252) from T.S. Eliot’s « The Wasteland » helped to inspire « But the time has come and I’m glad it’s over » (Source : old messageboard)
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Once there was a great storm Why, why do I come here? I waited a long, long time | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Up in the old town In the old time Under the archways You’re just In the old time Build me a home underground You’re just In the old time | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Don’t turn your back on me When I am an old man and live by the sea As much as I want to When I am an old man and live by the sea When I am an old man and live by the sea | A PROPOS « fly to me is possibly
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Something in me was dying Something in me was broken Girl I need you, don’t know what I would do Something in me was sinking Girl I need you, don’t know what I could do Waiting, searching | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes You chewed me up and you spat me out I thought the world could be changed by So long ago, it must be Inside I am an ogre So long ago, it must be | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Your face in a dream returns I’m never on your side “She’ll always take you for granted” | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Allemande, where have you gone? And ain’t that the way, that the way that the wind blows Allemande, your face so long All along I said we’d be sorry… And ain’t that the way, that the way that the wind blows | A PROPOS « A dance in moderate duple meter first appearing in the early 16th century and was frequently followed by a more lively dance in triple meter or, in the 17th century, by the courante. In the 17th century it became a stylized dance type that was regularly used as the first movement of a dance suite. These allemandes are in a very moderate 4/4 time. » (Keaneshaped FAQ) Apparently Tim’s told some fans that he saw some music on the family piano titled « Allemande », so was inspired by the title. (Keaneshaped FAQ)
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes When you’re lonely and sad And if your heart should melt away When you’re tumbling down And if your heart should melt away When you’re lonely and sad | A PROPOS « It’s a really lovely song and one that is very close to our hearts. When we were asked to do a Christmassy-type song for Radio 1 there were some awful cheesy Christmas songs and we really racked our brains to think of something we’d be alright covering. But, in the end, we thought we’d do something of our own – it has a Christmassy message of warmth and love and I think that’s a really important thing. » (Tom to Radio 1) The song was only given a title the week of it first being played on radio (beginning of December 2004), and previously refered to as « The Bing Crosby One », « The Bing Crosby Song » or « The Bing Crosby Number » due to it sounding Christmassy, and Bing Crosby’s assocation with Christmas (because of White Christmas)
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes There’s no believing and no reason why There’s no believing and no real surprise To float through the ceiling I float through the ceiling Shoop da, la la da… | A PROPOS
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes
I come to
There will be no more drowning Help, colourless and cowering You should understand me When you’re understanding And through all the tears Should you be alone Right back, I hope he will pull through Stand back, first aid is useful You should understand me How was I so stupid? And through all the tears Should you be alone After all the tears Should you be alone Yes, there’s going to be a drowning Yes, there’s going to be a drowning Half wasted Face painted Hold my hand There will be no more Please move along There will be no more Please move along, oh |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes I like to wake alone If I go then I’m alone Make time to be Believe in a thing, believing I believe If you go then I’m alone You might stumble and come closer now |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes Wake me, shake me from my sleepiness Lead me, guide me home old scatterbrain Inside out and upside down Inside out and upside down |
PAROLES Rice-Oxley/Chaplin/Hughes From the shelter of your home From the shelter of the rain Even though you’ve waited so long to see the day And I don’t know why you feel so bad Even though you’ve waited so long to see the day And I don’t know why you feel so bad You’re a fool though, why you feel so bad | A PROPOS » It’s about almost enjoying the feeling of being heartbroken, or even just generally despondent, and wallowing in the self-pity a little bit. I think there were rainy days in London when I felt a bit like that back in the day, and I guess it’s a bit of a slap in the face to myself. » Tim, keanemusic.com